产品类别:整套门 | 品牌:民尔旺 | 材质:冷轧钢板 |
开关类型:自选 | 特殊用途:卷帘 | 使用范围:工业建筑 |
安全等级:B级 | 风格:中式 | 颜色:多种 |
产地:上海 | 门框最大尺寸:2000-12000(cm) |
公 司 简 介
上海民尔旺自动化设备有限公司是一家从事产品设计,生产制作,销售服务于一体的现代化独资企业,公司创建于一九九八年,并是 最早引进日本生产线和当今最先进的法国技术,自行研制生产出了MEW快速卷门,自动高速卷门,自动卷帘门,自动工业滑升门,欧式卷帘门,欧式车库门,防火门,平开软门,PVC软门帘。产品自投向市场广受来自各行各业的好评,自动高速卷帘门受到了国家建筑委员会的大力推广!
Explosion-proof volume curtain gate(MEW-FBM-G1)
The explosion-proof volume curtain gate is according to《DetonationAnd Fire risk Environment Electric power Installment Design Standard》(GB50058) and 《Steel Explosion-proof Volume Curtain GeneralEngineering factor》(Q/IIDW10-2000) the request design manufacture.Takes the measure to the volume curtain electricity and the movementspot, conforms to the examination rule and the explosion-proofrequest. Examines the test center examination after the nationalexplosion-proof electricity product quality surveillance to bequalified and to issue the explosion-proof certificate.
Product explanation
The explosion-proof volume curtain is in the steel volume curtainfoundation, performs the transmission part to transform, matchesguards against explosions equipment and so on electrical machinery,thus realization explosion-proof function: Guards against explosionsthe electrical machinery by the explosion-proof electricallycontrolled box control, through the variable speed gear actuationreel, causes on fixed Yu Juanlian the curtain board along both sides guide rail the vertical motion, presses the explosion-proof buttonrealization gate to open shuts. When volume curtain movement tohypothesis about limiting position, shuts off the electromechanicalpower supply through the spacing, causes the volume curtain to stopthe movement. On the use explosion-proof electrical machinery manualrocking handle, may realize the manual operation. In the machineryrelative motion place, uses the shaft coupling to replace the chainwheel transmission, Guide rail internal friction place mounts the copperplate or the nylon. Most suits to the use or the storage ignitablegas, the volatile chemicals and so on has the high ignition goods thefactory and the warehouse and so on appears or possibly appears thedetonation the fire risk environment.
Applicable scope
Is suitable to in the production, the processing, processing, thestorage process gas, dust in the explosion hazard environment and soon appears or possibly appears industrial architecture.
•门板尺寸范围:宽度2000-12000mm 高度:2400-12000mm
Technical performance
1st, explosion-proof rank: IIB, IIC level;
2nd, opens shuts the average velocity: 2-9m/min;
3rd, power source: Three-phase, 380V,50Hz;
*Shutter size scope: Width 2000-12000mm altitude: 2400-12000mm
*Surface: Color steel plate, galvanized sheet, stainless steelplate
*Track: 110mm/170mm encryption seal
*Slaving voltage: Three-phase, 380 V ±5%, 50HZ
*Actuation system: Guards against explosions the electricalmachinery, guards against explosions the reduction gear, theexplosion-proof magnetic force starter, guards against explosions thespacing.
*Operating temperature: - 15 ℃ - + 60 ℃